TT 830 Manuel

Base Story

It was Halloween night, at around 8pm, and my friends and I were celebrating the way most of us do here in Jaén by wandering around the Bulevar – a newly build neighborhood -, as we talked and looked at the other people who were doing the same thing.  None of us were even dressed up except for me though my costume wasn’t much.  My friend Busqui, had given me a fake beard he had lying around in his house, when I saw it I had thought that combined with the long black coat that I was wearing, it would make me look kind of biblical. I decided to put it on and act as if I were a prophet of sorts.

A group of young “canis” approached me with their usual “eh amigo” rhetoric to which I –sticking to my character - responded to with a lecture on the filling and merciful love of God. Everything was going well, until one of them burst out from the back of the group and crushed an egg on my head. I laughed it off, trying not to make the situation any more tense, and left.

However, my friend Javi suggested that we should take our revenge by throwing a firecracker at them, and I, in what later proved to be a quite regrettable choice, agreed. They immediately started running after us, yelling furiously, and as soon as they reached us they threatened to beat us up. They looked a bit pathetic to be honest, but at that moment I was pretty scared, as they looked like the kind of people who wouldn’t mind getting their older friends or family to stab us. To make matters worse, some of my friends were starting to yelling back at them and the situation was escalating quickly. Luckily, I was able to calm them down and we walked away with just some more egg on our shoes - because they're aim was not much better than their taste in clothes.